At Blue Parrot Painting the safety of our employees, clients and communities is our number one priority. We monitor the continually changing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We recognize this time is filled with uncertainty for many, and our thoughts are with you.
Virtually, every person or family, and all businesses have felt the impact. Blue Parrot Painting wants to reassure and update our friends and clients with precautions and preparations we have undertaken to do our part to minimize the spread of this virus. We also want to confirm that we are equipped to maintain operations, and are working on your behalf.
To minimize potential exposure, Blue Parrot Painting has taken the highest level of precaution. We offer one-on-one consulting in your home, office, or at projects for quotes. If you prefer, we also can provide bids from photos or plans.
We are strictly following CDC Guidelines to help provide our clients and employees with a safe working environment. On the job site, we have taken several safety measures, including but not limited to:
Promoting good hygiene practices
Frequent handwashing with soap and water or hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
Wearing protective masks and gloves when appropriate
Covering coughs and sneezes
Refraining from handshaking
Social distancing of 6 feet
Regularly cleaning and sanitizing of our equipment and vehicles
One or two-person crews for specific projects
We also encourage our employees to follow the same CDC guidelines when offsite:
Practice Social Distancing as recommended
Limiting unnecessary outings, travel, group meetings, and office visitations
Encourage proper hand hygiene, washing frequently and refraining from shaking hands
Covering coughs and sneezes
Regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces
Requiring vacationing employees who fly or individuals who have exposure to high-risk locations to self-quarantine before returning to work
Remain home when anyone in the home is sick, has a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or tested positive
Remain home if notified to have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive
As always, we thank you for choosing Blue Parrot Painting and look forward to helping you with your home improvement projects, both now and in the future.
We welcome the opportunity to serve you. Please reach out to us for any questions you might have at [email protected] or call 303 678-8442.